COVID 19: Natural or Secret BIO weapon.

Corona virus. You probably heard about this virus . May be you want to know whether this micro-organism is natural or an intelligent plan in order to deplete the worlds population. Covid 19 responsible for causing pandemic which caught the whole world causing Millions of deaths all around the globe .The virus is known to be originated from China but how or where or the  backstory to explain the transmission of the virus to the first ever human host is still pretty controversial. 

Many scientist along with highly qualified doctors are pretty satisfied by declaring the Covid 19 as nothing but a natural pandemic but there,s more to it then what is being fed up to the innocent public. The virus is way too complex to be just a natural virus. 

Allegedly,A British-Norwegian study alleges COVID-19 has "inserted sections," calling it artificially manipulated "chimera" made in the Wuhan virology lab and not occurring naturally, according to a report by Taiwan News.

Pointing to the lack of virus mutation since it has spread worldwide, the scientists suspect it was already fully adapted in the lab before being released, per the report.

University of London Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen conducted the study and published it in Cambridge University's QRB Discovery.

This could ultimately be anything but a natural pandemic yet some scientist also claim Covid to be some kind of accident that took place under the Chinese laboratory. 

With that being stated and concluded by the vast majority of the scientist regarding the malicious respiratory virus. There might be probabilities of the whole Pandemic being nothing but a master plan or accident, leaving a pretty less room for COVID 19 just being a micro-organism that suddenly at the year 2020 beginning merely being natural.

 Proof the Coronavirus is a Biological weapon Small victories for Hong Kong And outrage against the Chinese CommunistParty. That and more on this week’s China NewsHeadlines This is China Uncensored..The coronavirus. Is it a biological weapon? For a long time, there have been conspiracytheories that the coronavirus that spread from Wuhan, China was a biological weapon. That’s even a conspiracy theory t he Chinese Communist Party has pushed. The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman tweeted the US army brought the coronavirus to Wuhan. Keep in mind, he’s not just any old crackpotconspiracist. He’s the Foreign Ministry Spokesman fora country. 

But we’ll never know for sure if the coronavirus was a biological weapon, right? Well, proof has just come out that it is abiological weapon. Just not the kind of bioweapon you were thinkingof. 

See, most of the United States’ medicalsupplies and generic drugs are made in China. Great choice, by the way. And now, Communist Party mouthpiece Xinhua is saying they can impose pharmaceutical exportcontrols to quote, throw America into the Mighty sea of the coronavirus. When the Communist Party threatens to attackAmerica by withholding critical medical supplies needed to stop a deadly virus outbreak— that is a biological weapon. 

If only America had been willing to do the Chinese Communist Party’s bidding, this would never have happened! Speaking of not doing the Communist Party’sbidding, President Donald Trump. He loves to call it the Chinese Virus. And the Communist Party hates that. “Recently some U.S. politicians have linked the novel coronavirus to China. This is a smear of China. We are very angry and strongly oppose it.” Yeah, “some U.S. politicians”—not gonnaname names here.How China Spun Criticism IntoRacism” for a better understanding of what the CommunistParty is trying to do here. But in a way, I agree with the Chinese ForeignMinistry Spokesman. 

I think President Trump needs to stop callingit the “Chinese virus.” That’s because we’re just getting intostupid fights about whether saying Chinese virus or Wuhan virusis racist. Which turn into fights about whether Trumpis racist. 

Which turn into fights about whether *everyone*is racist. That is exactly what the Chinese CommunistParty wants! Because it means we’re so busy fightingeach other that we’re losing sight of the bigger picturehere.

 I don’t advocate calling the coronavirus the Wuhan virus or the Chinese virus. It’s unfair to the Chinese people who arevictims of their authoritarian regime— the one that caused this problem in the firstplace, by covering up the spread of the virus andsilencing people who tried to get the truth out. Let’s not forget that it’s the ChineseCommunist Party—the CCP— that’s ultimately responsible for this pandemicand all the people who will die from it. So I say, from now on, we call it the CCPCoronavirus. All the cool kids are doing it! Which is why I have to tip my hat to the lawfirm in Florida that is suing the Chinese regime for theircoronavirus coverup. 

“[The Chinese Government] suppressed information rom the global medical community that couldhave averted or minimized the damage that has been done.” So props to that Florida law firm. Because if there’s one foe the Chinese CommunistParty should be afraid of, it’s Florida Man. 

I assume that’s what the lawyers in Floridalook like. Of course, the Chinese Communist Party completelydenies the ridiculous accusations that they wouldever want to suppress information. On a totally unrelated note, China just announced it will expel Americanjournalists. That includes, “American journalists workingfor The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The WashingtonPost” That is a blow.

 I wonder if those media companies will continue taking money from China’s propaganda department to publish the Communist Party propaganda called China Watch in their newspapers. Chinese authorities say their decision toexpel American journalists is because the Trump Administration put restrictions on Chinese state-run media operating in theUS— because, you know, they’re Chinese state-runmedia, and therefore by definition agents of thestate. But even those restrictions did not expelall the journalists, or force those Chinese media to shut down. Still, China’s foreign Ministry Spokesman said this is ultimately America’s fault. “The steps China has taken are countermeasures to the US’s unreasonable oppression of Chinesemedia. China is compelled to take them. China shouldn't be responsible for the cause and the result of the current situation. If any American media has any issue, please raise it to the US government.” That’s a tall order. I can’t remember a time when American media have ever been willing to criticize the USgovernment. But the Trump Administration is not takingChina’s actions lying down. “U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo onTuesday hit back at China over its decision to kick out American journalistsfrom the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.” “The Chinese will tell you that they want more people to know about their country, yet they continue to take actions like theone you've seen today, where they deny the world the capacity toknow what's really going on inside another country.” I can’t imagine what the Chinese CommunistParty would be trying to cover up. 

The Chinese Communist Party has been tryingto spin the coronavirus at home and abroad. You know, focus less on the coverup and moreon how swift, decisive, transparent, and cooperative China’s coronavirusresponse has been. In other words, they are lying through theirteeth. State-media have also been praising...theirstate-media reporters, for their brave coverage of the epidemic. Like Liao Jun. Only problem is, Chinese people hate all ofit! “Chinese social media has recoiled withanger at the lionization of Ms. Liao, saying she helped propagate fictions thatclouded the severity of the outbreak in its earlydays.” And that anger is now flaring “into broaderattacks on the Communist Party’s muzzling of thenews media.” So now, the Party will do what it always does when its propaganda backfires. Attack the critics! “Online enforcers are dragging in hundreds for questioning as an assault on online speechcontinues.” That includes any pesky tycoons who criticizeXi Jinping. 

Wait, are we actually getting to the pointwhere Chinese citizens are less likely than Americans to believe Chinese Communist Party propaganda? Speaking of the Party’s coronavirus coverup, remember Dr. Li Wenliang?

 He was detained by the police after warninghis colleagues about the coronavirus on Chinese social media. He later died of the coronavirus himself, which sparked a huge backlash against thegovernment in China. Well, Chinese authorities have investigatedDr. Li’s case, and guess who’s to blame? The local police! It was their fault. 

And they will be dealt with accordingly. The investigators also wanted to clear onelittle thing up. You see, it appears that some “hostile forces” are attacking the Communist Party by callingDr. Li a “hero” for standing up to the system. Well, the joke’s on those hostile forces, because Dr. Li was a member of the ChineseCommunist Party! Is that really the message you want to gowith? Dr. Li was a member of the Communist Party, which was ultimately responsible for the spread of the disease that killedhim. 

So there! We showed you! In other news, now might be a good time to quit the ChineseCommunist Party. Speaking of getting rid of the Chinese CommunistParty, here’s an update about Hong Kong. You may remember how the city has been embroiled in massive protests against the Chinese regimefor nine months. Well, according to a Reuters Exclusive, what we all thought was happening turns outto have been true— “Officers from China’s top internal securityforce— the People’s Armed Police— joined Hong Kong police on the frontlines.” Color me shocked.

 But another blow might be coming to the forcesof evil in Hong Kong. Remember back in August when Hong Kong police attacked protesters on the Hong Kong subway? Well, a court has ordered the subway operatorto release CCTV footage of it. Authorities claimed there was no police brutality. Really? Well, now they might have a harder time denyingthat. Another small victory for the Hong Kong protestmovement: Chan Kin-man, one of the leaders of the 2014 Umbrella Movement, has been released from an 11-month prisonsentence he got for peacefully protesting. He said he had no regrets. But Europe is about to have some major regrets. France is going to allow Huawei gear in its5G network. The US has called Huawei a national securitythreat, since it’s closely tied to the Chinese CommunistParty. 

You know, the one responsible for the CCPCoronavirus that’s spreading around the world. I guess France surrendered to the pressure. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is also afan of Huawei. She’s trying to block other lawmakers fromblocking it. It’s like there’s a split in Berlin, where one side is in favor of the communists. Speaking of which, Merkel says there’s no reason to be suspicious of gifts of medical supplies from China. I believe this is how they’re shipping them. Part of the problem with getting medical suppliesfrom China is how the Chinese regime uses them as propaganda. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Hua Chunying shared this video of Italians singing thankyou China as the Chinese national anthem plays. The problem is, it’s fake. Or as the Italians say, fake news. With the CCP coronavirus happening, many people have been forced to stay at home. 

But even so, exercise is still important. I would just think, military exercises mightnot be the priority. Despite the pandemic, the Chinese regime is still finding time toharass Taiwan. Some things never change. Next up, I’ll answer a question from a fan who supports China Uncensored on Patreon. But first, did you know YouTube has been secretly unsubscribing people from the show? Take a moment to make sure you’re stillsubscribed. And if you haven’t subscribed, what areyou waiting for? This question comes from carbide149. “Would you say that ordinary citizens arefalling for China's lies as much as media outlets and politicians have?” Ah, that’s actually a question with a veryencouraging answer. 

Some Western media are unfortunately eating up the propaganda about racism, and the lies that China’s response to thecoronavirus was so much better than the West’s. But as I mentioned earlier in the episode, many Chinese people are furious at the Chineseregime. China was the worst hit by the CCP Coronaviruspandemic. And the response by the regime has been morebrutal than helpful. A lot of people in China also know the Partytried to cover it up, and persecuted doctors who tried to blow thewhistle. And this reminds me of something Chinese lawyerChen Guangcheng told Shelley in an interview a couple monthsago:

 The people he’s in contact with in Chinaall understand that the Chinese Communist Party is the cause of the problems in Chinese society. They just can’t say so online, because theymight be arrested. But they know it, and they don’t like it. So some day, I really think the Chinese CommunistParty will be taken down by the Chinese people. And many reporters in the West will be leftscratching their heads wondering how it happened. That’s how it went down with the SovietUnion.  They’d have run us out of business if it weren’t for support from fans likeyou who contribute through the crowdfunding websitePatreon. I call them the China Uncensored 50-cent army. If you’d like to hear your question answeredon the show, join the China Uncensored 50-cent army by going to Once again I’m Chris Chappell. See you next time.

There are secret societies that are hiding under the shades of darkness. Some reports also claim COVID 19 to be a test for the world to see how the entire world responds to this pandemic. Many claim this to be a very big strategy to decrease the population of the entire world. Which may be true more or less true but nothing can be said about these statements. or in simple terms it could be concluded as a biological weapon gone wrong.

By M. Harris TJ

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